My name is Heather and I am a solo female travel blogger from the UK and run the site MyChronicTravel.
I am also chronically ill and disabled which is why my travel blog is made for everyone, both abled and disabled people!

I have loved travelling solo for well over a decade and a half, and it is the only thing I am 100% passionate about, so I thought it was about time that I started a travel blog which is something I wanted to do for years. In March 2023, I started MyChronicTravel

I will be blogging about travel in general, tips, advice, guides to travelling on a budget and saving money, travel offers, travelogues a few times a year, as well as posts about accessibility and travelling with a disability, something that gets missed on regular travel blogs.

That is why my travel blog is designed to be a travel blog for all!
I am posting about travel in general as well as travelling with a chronic illness and/or disability.

Travelogues will be posted a few times a year because as I am chronically ill and disabled, I am at home most of the time due to my health, so I am mostly doing general travel blogging. But I will be still try to take at least 2 trips each year, which I will write travelogues about.
When I do travelogues, I take lots of photos and videos which I will post not only on my blog, but also on social media such as X/Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, as well as video sharing sites such as TikTok and also sometimes on YouTube.

You can find all my links on my Beacons.

My health limits me from walking far or standing long so I am much more limited by what I can do to what abled people can do, so regular travel guides and advice are often useless for me.
That is why I made this blog! So that everyone, both abled and disabled, can get travel advice, tips, travelogues as well as getting info on accessibility and travelling on a budget.

Basically my blog MyChronicTravel, is a blog for everyone, no matter if you are abled or disabled! Something most other blogs don’t cater for.

I am giving tips and advice that I learned personally from travelling well over 15 years, and anything I recommend such as say travel insurance, travel accessories, hotel/flight booking sites, car rental companies, are all companies I have used personally.
My reviews are all honest, even when negative. I say the truth from my experience.

As my health worsened over time due to chronic illness and disability, I found I wasn’t able to do the same things I used to be able to do and I discovered that accessibility and travelling don’t go hand in hand easily, still, even though it is 2023, accessibility is still very poor.
I wanted to write about travelling with a disability and chronic illness for those who also want to travel as most travel sites are aimed at just abled people.

My top place to visit is various places around the USA as it is such a diverse place with so many different things to see all over the country, from desert to jungle to snowy mountains to beaches. They have it all over a diverse landscape.
I also travel around the UK (especially London), and the Netherlands as well as some other places in Europe.
The USA is my main destination where I used to spent around 4 weeks once or twice a year, and the others are places I visit frequently and have lots of knowledge on.
I am hoping to do travelogues a few times a year. Perhaps building up to more trips over time depending on health and money.

Money is something I don’t have that much of, mostly due to how badly my chronic illnesses impacted me and as I can no longer work, so I am hoping one day I will make a little from the blog too as I don’t have much money, which is another reason why I am not a full time traveller, as I simply can’t afford it as it is hard enough.
All my trips are done on a budget such as working with other companies, using discounts, housesitting, using sales, getting etc.
My health and lack of funds are the only reason I don’t travel more frequently.

As it turned 2023 I decided to start my travel blog, MyChronicTravel.
This blog is something I have wanted to start for over 10 years! But I simply didn’t have the time, but now I do as I can’t work and spend all my time at home either in bed or my chair.

I travel to places at low costs as I am brilliant at finding deals on travel and I like to travel at below retail cost, meaning I travel to places and hotels that cost more than I pay, as I find deals or use coupons to get those travel deals. I will be helping others do the same on this blog. I have manged to find some great deals such as 3/4 star hotels at 1 star prices. Those are the kind of deals I like!

I am planning multiple trips, so I will be blogging about those too in travelogues which I write up after the trip. I post to social media during the trip.
If you wish to work with me and see more details on my travel dates, please reach out using the form on my “Work With Me” page.

I do have a donation page on Ko-Fi if anyone ever wants to tip. Tips also help me produce more content for you all! (Nothing ever expected!)

I have some affiliate links on the site and if you use them, I just get a very small percentage back. If I manage to earn any money this way, it would go towards living expenses such as bills, food etc, as I am disabled and cannot work so this blog is my only job. If you wish to purchase via these links, I earn a small amount back.
All money earned goes on food, bills and heating. Essential living costs only.

Money will go on living expenses such as food, bills and heating which I can’t afford even in winter.
I do struggle to get by which I why I can’t travel all the time, along with health.
If you would like to tip and want to it to go on something specific such as medication, bills, travel expenses, or anything let me know and I’ll use it purely on that!

Whenever I collaborate with a company, I give my honest opinions only and I state on each post that I worked in collaboration with the company. This doesn’t change my opinion as I will only give honest opinions no matter what!

If you enjoy the blog, I appreciate any shares of my blog with your friends or on social media as my chronic illnesses do make everything harder, including promoting my blog, so would appreciate the support. Each share allows lots of people to see the post, who maybe wouldn’t normally see the it. Appreciate any support.

You can find all my links on Beacons.

Where I’ve Been

Global Map


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