Travel Advisories – Is It Safe To Travel To…?

Travel advisories are government issued warnings about certain countries that have current issues whether it be terrorism, health, civil unrest, crime, kidnapping, natural disaster or similar.They have different levels which vary from basic precautions when travelling, to advising against all travel.To see the list of travel advisories, visit your governments…

Tips For Booking A Vacation

If you want to book a vacation and want to do it at a good price with reputable companies, then this is the guide for you.Read this to avoid getting scammed booking a vacation! Something that sadly many people encounter. Shop around. This is very important. Do this for everything!…

Tips For Travelling With Medication

If you are planning a trip and you take medication, this is the post for you as I have some simple tips and advice with things you may not have considered.You may think you can just take your medication with you and that's it. Sadly that is not always the…

Tips For Renting A Car Abroad

If you haven't rented a car abroad before, fear not, I have some great tips for you. There are also a few car rental companies I recommend using who are all reputable and have some good prices too.Auto Europe is one of the oldest and best car brokers, and the…

Ways To Avoid Bug Bites On Vacation

The last thing you want on vacation is to be bothered by irritating bug bites. These unwelcome visitors can turn a relaxing vacation into an itchy nightmare. But don't worry! You can have a bug-free holiday and make the most of your time outside with a few simple tips and…

Tips For Solo Travel

If you are wanting to travel solo, it can be something you might be hesitant to do alone, but I am here to tell you there is nothing to worry about. Trust me, I have travelled solo all over the world as a solo female traveller, for over a decade…

Tips On Renting A Car Abroad

If you haven't rented a car abroad before, let me tell you that it is very easy and not as scary as you might think! It isn't as intimidating as you might think!I have driven hundreds of thousands of miles outside my home country. Much more than I have ever…

Tips On Avoiding Covid While Travelling

Now we live in a Covid world as Covid isn't going anywhere, you might want to travel but be put off by Covid. This blog post is here to give you some tips to staying safe and trying to avoid Covid.For some of us who are high or higher risk,…

Travel Safety

If you are going to be travelling, you might be intimidated or scared to travel. Let me tell you that there is nothing to be scared about as long as you follow some simple tips!I have travelled solo all over the world for many years so I have some simple…